Pengcheng Wei(韦朋成)

I am currently a PhD candidate in the School of Geodesy and Geomatics at Wuhan University, supervised by Prof. Li Yan. My research interests include:
  • LiDAR point cloud processing (segmentation, classification, registration, and 3D modeling)
  • Image processing(classification, matching, pose estimation, and multi-view reconstruction)
  • Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) reconstruction with multi-source data
  • Autonomous mobile measurement robots
I am passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technology to solve complex problems in the field of geodesy and geomatics. If you are interested in my research, feel free to contact me at



LiDeNeRF: Neural Radiance Field Reconstruction with Depth Prior Provided by LiDAR Point Cloud
Pengcheng Wei, Li Yan*, Hong Xie*, Hao Wu, Changcheng Qiu, Yinghao Zhao, Xiao Hu, Ming Huang
Under review
[Paper] [Code]
A New Outlier Removal Strategy Based on Reliability of Correspondence Graph for Fast Point Cloud Registration
Li Yan, Pengcheng Wei*, Hong Xie*, Jicheng Dai, Hao Wu, Ming Huang
IEEE TPAMI (IF: 24.314)
[Paper] [Code]
A hierarchical multiview registration framework of TLS point clouds based on loop constraint
Hao wu, Li Yan*, Hong Xie*, Pengcheng Wei, Jicheng Dai
ISPRS J (IF: 11.774)
[Paper] [Code]
Robust Planning System for Fast Autonomous Flight inComplex Unknown Environment Using Sparse DirectedFrontier Points
Yinghao Zhao, Li Yan*, Jicheng Dai, Xiao Hu, Pengcheng Wei, Hong Xie*
Drones (IF: 5.532)
[Paper] [Code]
Autonomous Exploration Method for Fast Unknown Environment Mapping by Using UAV Equipped with Limited FOV Sensor
Yinghao Zhao, Li Yan*, Hong Xie*, Jicheng Dai, Pengcheng Wei
TIE (IF: 8.162)
[Paper] [Code]


Efficient Depth Fusion Transformer for Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation
Li Yan, Jianming Huang, Hong Xie*, Pengcheng Wei, Zhao Gao
Remote Sensing (IF: 5.349)
[Paper] [Code]
DGS-SLAM: A Fast and Robust RGBD SLAM in Dynamic Environments Combined by Geometric and Semantic Information
Li Yan, Xiao Hu*, Leyang Zhao, Yu Chen, Pengcheng Wei, Hong Xie
Remote Sensing (IF: 5.349)


Automatic coarse registration of point clouds using plane contour shape descriptor and topological graph voting
Pengcheng Wei, Li Yan*, Hong Xie*, Ming Huang
Automation in Construction (IF: 10.517)


An Efficient Encoding Voxel-Based Segmentation(EVBS) Algorithm Based on Fast Adjacent VoxelSearch for Point Cloud Plane Segmentation
Ming Huang, Pengcheng Wei*, Xianglei Liu
Remote Sensing (IF: 5.349)